Maggie Bull
September 2022
Riverside Walter Reed Hospital
United States




Everyone we saw that day was great and kind but I was so impressed with Maggie and her compassion, attentiveness, sense of urgency, and overall care for my son.
I had to take my 17-year-old son to the ER on Sunday. He had already been to Urgent Care twice in the days before and had a sore throat so bad he couldn't swallow anything and had been running a fever of up to 103.8 for days. He hadn't eaten or hardly drank in 4 days. He was as sick as I've ever seen him. He was tested for COVID, strep, and mono at urgent care, and at the hospital but all were negative. The main reason I took him to the ER was to get IV fluids and hopefully, some meds to comfort him as I knew he was dehydrated.

Everyone we saw that day was great and kind but I was so impressed with Maggie and her compassion, attentiveness, sense of urgency, and overall care for my son. I told her right away I was hard of hearing so she needed to kind of yell at me so I could hear her. She didn't yell but made sure I could understand her. She told me her Dad was the same way so she was used to it! She was in and out numerous times starting IV, giving meds, and getting answers to all my questions in no time and she had other patients also as I could see her in and out of other rooms. She did everything she possibly could to help my son feel better with such speed and caring and I'm sure she did the same for her other patients as well.

I don't think she ever left that room without asking if my son or I needed anything else or had any more questions! Then, not long before we left, I asked her where she went to school and how long she'd been at RWR, and she floored me when she said she'd been there 1 month! I have no doubt she'll be one of the best nurses there for a long time to come. To me that day she was the epitome of what every nurse should be. She made a terrible day for us, especially my son, so much better.