Ashley Nazario
October 2023
Mother Baby Unit
Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children/Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies
United States




Ashley came in, introduced herself, looked at me, and immediately came to my side, came to my level, and asked me what was wrong. It was the first time I truly felt heard.
My birth story definitely did not start off how I intended. I was scheduled to have a repeat c-section. With my daughter, I labored but her heart rate went down and it became an emergent c-section. That experience was very traumatic for me, so when I became pregnant with my son, I knew I wanted a repeat c-section so I could be in a controlled environment and actually enjoy the experience of giving birth. Well, my son had other plans, and I began having contractions at home. I got admitted to the hospital, but my c-section kept getting pushed back due to other emergencies. I was placed on the antepartum unit, where I waited for my time. There, my contractions were getting worse, and no matter what my husband and I said, I just felt like my nurse didn’t care.

Shift change happened, and at that point, I was so stressed and fearful that these contractions would get worse and I would get another emergent c-section. Ashley came in, introduced herself, looked at me, and immediately came to my side, came to my level, and asked me what was wrong. It was the first time I truly felt heard. She listened to all of my concerns and promptly called the doctor to let them know that I was hurting. She kept me updated with everything she did, took her time to make sure I was ok, and explained everything to ease my mind. She even kept my door open when I asked and would speak to me through the door every now and again. She kept me sane when I thought something terrible was going to happen, and I truly believe I was able to get my c-section done quicker because of her actions.

Every hospital needs more nurses like Ashley. She was kind, gentle, stern, and empathetic. She completely turned my experience around, and my husband and I couldn’t stop raving about her to our family and friends. She deserves all the awards, and every mom she cares for is so blessed to have her!