Whitney Brown
December 2023
Salisbury VA Health Care System
United States




Whitney provided the respect and dignity that this veteran and family needed.

Mr. G was admitted to the hospital due to a sore on his foot, confusion, and falls. During the course, he was diagnosed with COVID. He spent time on 2-3 and ICU during his stay.

Eventually, the family decided to extubate him and let nature take its course. He was not expected to live long however he proved everyone wrong. Whitney was his nurse. When she arrived for her tour, she found that he was very uncomfortable and restless. He only had orders for anxiety medications every 4 hours. She immediately got him some Ativan and some Morphine to help him relax. He was able to relax for only 1 hour. She advocated for him to his provider for something more for his comfort. Ultimately orders were given for medications more often.

The doctor rounded on the veteran and decided the supplemental O2 was prolonging the natural course of the dying process. Whitney gradually lowered Mr. G’s supplemental O2 so that the Veteran would remain comfortable. She educated the family on what she was doing and what was expected. Whitney was diligent in keeping on top of his pain and comfort, giving him medications to alleviate his discomfort and air hunger. These measures not only helped him to be more comfortable but ultimately allowed the family to be more comfortable with the dying process. She did not want him to suffer.

The family was at his bedside for his transition. His sister called Whitney into the room several times during this time. Multiple family members came into the room throughout the morning and Whitney continued to provide education and comfort to all the family members explaining what they could expect. She encouraged them to ask questions and to speak with him. She also encouraged them to let him know it was “ok to go” as patients often want the family’s acceptance. She offered them snacks and drinks and hugs when they needed them. She was available not only for the patients but for the family. She provided the respect and dignity that this veteran and family needed. She took care that he was suctioned when he needed it and oral care and positioning were given.

When the son asked that she not leave the room she did her best. She did take time to call the doctor to let him know that death was imminent. After his passing she allowed the family to spend as much time with the veteran as they desired. The son expressed thanks to Whitney and said he didn’t know how he would have gotten through this without her. She additionally guided them through the other items that had to occur before the body was moved. Whitney’s focus was taking care of this dear veteran and his family.

She did an amazing job helping him finish off a very long hospital stay and make his transition. Whitney exemplifies the ICARE principles every day she comes to work. Her patients love her. She is a ray of sunshine to her co-workers as well. She makes Salisbury VA a better place to work and to heal.