Cameron Munoz
September 2023
AdventHealth Waterman
United States




Cameron stepped in and reassured her that no matter what the process would be, the nurses would be there for her.
My wife was scheduled for an induction of labor for our baby girl H. We arrived at 6:00 AM and by the time we got settled in the room the dayshift nurse Cameron was coming in. My wife had not really shown any signs of starting labor so the doctor wanted to get her started. They checked to see if there had been any progression from my wife’s last doctor’s visit and there hadn’t been much so we would be waiting until the doctor came in to see what process she would like to start. My wife was concerned at this point because she did not want to have a situation where she was laboring and in pain for days as she had read some women experience.

At this point, Cameron stepped in and reassured her that no matter what the process would be, the nurses would be there for her. Luckily when the doctor showed up my wife’s cervix had progressed to the point that she did not need any medication for cervical ripening and could start Pitocin for her labor induction. Once the medication started it was a waiting game and it seemed like my wife was Cameron’s only patient because of the attention she provided throughout labor. We found out that she had worked as a Labor and Delivery Educator previously and you could tell in the way that she was able to help my wife in progressing her labor.

Cameron constantly helped my wife change positions to both make her feel comfortable and help in H’s arrival to the world. By about 5:30 or 6:00 PM the hard labor had really kicked in and Cameron was by her side the whole time. Soon 7:00 rolled around and Cameron was able to stay with her because she was so close to delivering and this comforted my wife more than anyone could imagine. H’s heart rate was decelerating at times so Cameron kept repositioning my wife to help in the process as I did whatever I could to help my wife push and get through the pain. Before long H had arrived and a process that we were worried could last days took less than 14 hours from arrival to her birth; I do not think that it would have gone as well without Cameron being there for our family.