Dorothy Cook
November 2023
Emergency Department
Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital
United States




Dorothy remained at the parent's side along with the Chaplin for the next three hours, offering comfort and support to the family.
A 16-month-old patient arrived in our ED. The patient was short of breath and very ill. Dorothy was the primary nurse for this patient and immediately recognized the emergent need to move the patient and parents from a small room to the larger trauma room. For over an hour, Dorothy stayed by the patient's side, comforting the patient and her mother. The patient began to decline rapidly and required intubation. During preparation for intubation, the child stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest. Dorothy was the first nurse to begin CPR on the child. Over the next hour and three minutes, the hospital team worked a code on the child. Dorothy was one of (3) RNs who continued CPR over the hour. Unfortunately, the child passed away, but Dorothy remained at the parent's side along with the Chaplin for the next three hours, offering comfort and support to the family. When the family left at 0200, Dorothy remained at the child's side until the funeral home arrived. Dorothy coordinated with other staff members to remain with the child at all times if she was pulled away for a brief instant. When the funeral home arrived, Dorothy was the last person to place the child on the gurney for the honor walk. During the tragedy, Dorothy displayed all of Samaritan's mission statements and "PRIDE" 
P = Passion for patients; 
R = Respect for her patient and family;
I = Integrity - High moral standards;
D = Dedication to her patients, coworkers, and hospital;
E = Excellence - this is one example of the excellence that Dorothy provides every shift that she works.