Gwen Wheeler
August 2023
Emergency Department
United Health Services Hospitals
Johnson City
United States




Gwen helps all staff in the ER and is a key example of what it means to be a team. With a steady hand, caring, and empathy for the situation, she is very good at listening, respecting staff’s input and working with them to do what is best for patients.
I know that most of these awards go to a nurse for a particular story, a moment that captures the essence of care in nursing so perfectly that it warms the heart. The thing about Gwen Wheeler is every interaction with patients is consistently filled with warmth and genuine caring.  Telling one story would not do justice to the integrity with which she serves her community. Working in the Emergency Department oftentimes requires prioritization of life and death with great urgency. Gwen has a unique ability to do both intense, effective, and immediate interventions while sustaining a gentle tone, a compassionate demeanor, and a loving touch. Despite endless wait times, under-resourced departments, and sometimes less-than-ideal patient situations, Gwen never raises her voice, loses her patience, or asks someone to perform a task she wouldn't do herself. Gwen looks every patient in the eye, values their humanity, and invests herself in their care. She is ceaseless in repositioning restless patients. She washes those who cannot wash themselves with a standard of excellence, even when it would go unnoticed by anyone around her, including the patients. 

I could tell you how she will stop in the middle of a busy ER to hold a glass of water to a patient who went unnoticed. Or how she patiently holds the hands of demented patients whose anxiety brings nightmares to their long nights. 

She has dedicated herself to being an expert in the ER, but also to being an expert in her community. She knows her people, she knows her town, and she knows how to provide care when everything looks like an obstacle. Gwen goes above and beyond for both her patients and staff members and always comes up with a perfect solution to fix any problem. When working with Gwen, no matter what circumstances have gone on in the Emergency room, she always shows compassion, is trustworthy, and always provides excellent teamwork for an outstanding patient experience and supports her team.

She's not only innovative, she is resourceful. Yet the ease with which she does is flawless. More than once, I have turned over a difficult conversation to her out of exasperation. She takes the heat of these situations with ever-present grace, even accepting blame when it isn't her fault.  

As a charge nurse in our department, Gwen always exemplifies a standard of nursing and comradery that is incomparable. She is such a thoughtful communicator. She is always a reliable, compassionate leader willing to lend a helping hand. She is an invaluable resource to all departments and job roles. Gwen is a cornerstone of the ER, she comes in with a positive attitude even in the worst of situations. She helps all staff in the ER and is a key example of what it means to be a team. With a steady hand, caring, and empathy for the situation, she is very good at listening, respecting staff’s input and working with them to do what is best for patients. She brings employees together for the good of the patient. Her respect for her teammates is so genuine, and everyone knows when she is in charge, it is going to be a successful shift. Gwen is always willing to jump up and assist her staff with any needs that are necessary.

To tell one story of Gwen just wouldn't do justice. Because every hour of her shifts, five shifts a week, Gwen is the same Gwen to every single patient, with integrity, compassion, respect, and a graciousness that has been ceaseless for years.