Johanna Tang
November 2023
City of Hope National Medical Center
United States




Amid a night that was a maelstrom of medical interventions and quiet despair, Johanna was not just a caregiver but a beacon of hope and compassion.​
I write this with a heart heavy with both sorrow and gratitude. My beloved wife of 48 years, the light of my life, spent her last night on Earth under the extraordinary care of Johanna. Amid a night that was a maelstrom of medical interventions and quiet despair, Johanna was not just a caregiver but a beacon of hope and compassion.​

Earlier in the day, my wife had endured a code blue event, leading to a cascade of complications. Through the night, Johanna expertly managed multiple forms of life support with tireless dedication. But it was more than her technical skill that left an indelible mark on my heart; it was her profound humanity.​

In those hours of darkness and uncertainty, Johanna took the time to connect not just with me, but also with our canine companion, J. Her warmth illuminated the room, creating a haven of peace amid the chaos. In every action, every word, she exuded a tenderness that transcended mere duty. It felt as if she was channeling my love for my wife in how she moved, spoke, and cared for her.​

As a pastor, I have often spoken about the rare opportunities to encounter angels among us. That night, in the stillness fraught with the heartbeat of impending loss, I found such an angel in Johanna. Her presence -- really her incandescent spirit -- and even her beloved pup, W, have carved a special place in my heart. Even as I knew in my bones that we were hurtling towards a sad and difficult dawn, I found solace in the fact that the last night was under Johanna's watchful care.​

She honored the love I shared with my wife with such profound gentleness, making those final hours not just bearable, but filled with a quiet dignity and love. For her exceptional care, her heart that resonates with the devotion she gives to her patients, and for being a guiding light in the darkest of nights, I wholeheartedly nominate Johanna for the DAISY Award.​

​She embodies the essence of nursing and the spirit of compassion that we all ​hope to find in our times of greatest need.