Niyah Whitfield Jones
November 2023
Whitfield Jones
5T- Med Surg
Forrest General Hospital
United States




Niyah explained to her how important taking care of herself was before she would be able to help the patient. Both the family member and patient were very appreciative of how she handled the situation.
Niyah is very compassionate and CAREing to not only her patients, but their family members as well. This week I witnessed Niyah dealing with a difficult patient whose family member was getting upset. Niyah dissolved the situation, took the family member in the hall, and offered for her to go home. She comforted her and reassured her that we would take great care of the patient. Niyah explained to her how important taking care of herself was before she would be able to help the patient. Both the family member and patient were very appreciative of how she handled the situation.

Another example of how Niyah showed the We CARE philosophy is just last week when she asked all of the staff to come sing happy birthday to her patient. The patient was upset that she was in the hospital on her birthday, and she was very surprised and happy that the nurses thought that much about her. Niyah is an exceptional nurse from admission to discharge. She also has such a pleasant, engaging personality and attitude. We are lucky to have Niyah!