Tenia Wilson
December 2023
Seton Medical Center Harker Heights
Harker Heights
United States




That seemingly small gesture meant the world to me.
I have a fear of the medical field. So being here has me on the verge of a panic attack. With my boyfriend in liver failure, it’s scary enough, then the fear of him being admitted is 10 times worse. With all that going on he had the chaplain draw up paperwork saying I was the one making his last wishes. I pulled Tenia aside and asked her if I hadn’t been told something. She looked for me. She walked with me and let me cry. She assured me that what I was feeling was normal. She was so patient with me and didn’t make me feel like I was overreacting or foolish about how I felt. That seemingly small gesture meant the world to me. For someone who is scared for the love of her life and feeling alone in a phobia, there are no words.