Lacey Bolanos
January 2024
Intermountain Healthcare, McKay Dee Hospital
United States




The next morning, we came into the NICU, and Lacey had made a rainbow out of multiple cutouts of P’s footprints cut into hearts. It brought me to tears that she would take the time to do something so special for us.
When our sweet baby girl was born, she unfortunately needed to be life-flighted to another hospital to be in the NICU. You can imagine how much anxiety we as new parents could have. Our newborn baby was going to need cooling therapy, and I (dad) had to race to the other hospital to meet our daughter there. Sadly my wife could not be transferred or discharged for a couple of days.

Once I got to the hospital, our daughter, P, had been there for about 30 minutes, and Lacey was assigned to her care for the night and was getting her treatment set up when I arrived. As soon as I met Lacey she not only explained things so well to me, but she was so patient, calm, and kind to me the whole time P was in her care (multiple separate days/shifts). Not only was she amazing to us as parents, she was amazing to our baby girl. There would be countless times we would be watching the angel eye camera at home, checking on our baby, trying to find ways to sleep through the trauma of leaving her each night, and we would continually find Lacey there tending to P, and even more often, just standing there while P’s small hands held her finger so she could have some sense of comfort in a world where she couldn’t be held for 4 days. It came to the point that we made sure that any day/night we knew Lacey would be working, we asked for her to be caring for P every time. She gave us a great sense of comfort, and you could truly see she not only loved her job, but she loved every baby she had the chance to care for.

One last example of how amazing Lacey was comes from a conversation I had with her. We were talking about how I wanted to find a rainbow stamp pad to take P’s footprints because P is our “rainbow baby.” I mentioned to Lacey that I couldn’t find one that would be small enough to get all colors on her feet. The next morning, we came into the NICU, and Lacey had made a rainbow out of multiple cutouts of P’s footprints cut into hearts. It brought me to tears that she would take the time to do something so special for us, and that rainbow is still something we have hung on the wall in our home today. Lacey went above and beyond and truly is deserving of any recognition we can provide in a public way. Thank you so much for everything you did for us and P in that troubling time in our lives.