Rauli Perry
May 2023
Mother Baby
St. Luke's
United States




Rauli hugged me and was so empathetic towards our situation.
I have been dealing with complications throughout my entire pregnancy starting from the beginning. Rauli has listened to every concern I have had while providing the highest level of care. She has always made me feel heard, validated, and reassured. I remember at one point in my pregnancy, when things were scary, as we weren’t sure we were going to be able to carry our baby to viability, Rauli hugged me and was so empathetic towards our situation. Later on, she walked me from my office appointment over to labor & delivery when I needed to be transferred over there and stayed to hold my hand during a very uncomfortable procedure when my husband couldn’t be there. Most recently, as this pregnancy has continued to be complicated, Rauli listened when I recognized that something was wrong. She got me in to see her the next day, which led to an emergent transfer to Boise, which very likely kept us from delivering our baby at 29 weeks. I cannot say enough about Rauli! She should be recognized for the compassionate, caring, empathetic, knowledgeable, and amazing provider that she is!