Susana Greenland
February 2023
6 North
Kaiser Permanente Fontana Medical Center
United States




Susana did all this behind the scenes, risk assessment, messaged my doctor, and got the proper okay. It was like she knew my heart and body needed this to physically keep going.
I have been hospitalized for 11 days. At this point, with a new life-changing diagnosis of leukemia, my days went from taking care of my babies, ages 5,3,2, and 1, every single minute of every day to being alone. All I have ever asked for during my stay was to see and hold my babies. After being dismissed multiple times due to precautions, Susana went behind my back and looked into the facts. She looked at my lab work, she assessed by home life by asking me causally what their health was like and just went above and beyond to assess my risk in seeing my babies and also just thinking of me and the importance something like that would have on my mental health. Just for Susana to take time out of her day and make it happen for me to see my babies is something I could never put into words to describe how THANKFUL and forever indebted I feel to her. Susana did all this behind the scenes, risk assessment, messaged my doctor, and got the proper okay. It was like she knew my heart and body needed this to physically keep going. I’m not into cliches, but seeing my babies really truly made me feel physically stronger, and that would never have happened if it weren’t for Susana.

This story is why I am stronger today. Having her as my nurse and as the first nurse ever to give me my very first chemotherapy has been nothing short of making me feel safe and relaxed. I have severe anxiety, but when I first ever had her, my entire day with her consisted of safe explanatory care. Every single thing she does or gives me, she educated me on it and my body. Now because of her when the nurses give report, they tell each other how well I know my meds and schedule and I truly owe that to the outstanding care and nurse Susana is. I will never forget her in my cancer journey, and she deserves more than an award. She deserves the most beautiful things life can offer.