Alberto Gisbert Cabrera
December 2023
Gisbert Cabrera
ICU 4 Tower
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Miami Beach
United States




Alberto kept doing small favors that made life more bearable for all of us
The nurses during my 95-year-old father’s stay of 1.5 weeks in the ICU were great, but Alberto stood out. I noticed he was very communicative and interested in my father’s well-being, and notably, he remained calm and supportive over four days while a bad reaction to steroids caused my father to be confused and agitated. Then, each day, Alberto would catch us up on what we might have missed from the doctors’ earlier rounds. As the week went on, Alberto kept doing small favors that made life more bearable for all of us—from finding a lasagna when he saw that my father didn’t like dinner but needed to eat to build strength for surgery the next day, to finding an apple when he learned that my father prefers them for his dinners, to bringing an ice pack for me the day I had a dermatological treatment. I hope Alberto will be recognized for his care, attention, and extra effort. We’ll remember his kindness for a long time.