Natalia Moure
December 2023
United States




In my moment of desperation, my guardian angel appeared in a woman named Natalia…a nurse from DHR who made the choice to stop and help me.
"I was walking to my hotel when suddenly, out of nowhere, a man attacked me with a knife and stabbed me countless times. Fearful for my life, I managed to escape from him; however, It did not change the fact that I was losing a lot of blood. I knew then…I was dying. In my moment of desperation, my guardian angel appeared in a woman named Natalia…a nurse from DHR who made the choice to stop and help me. She created a tourniquet from a shirt she found in her vehicle and bought me more time from my bleeding wound till more help arrived. She saved my life, and my family and I are FOREVER thankful."

DHR Health is so honored to have such dedicated employees who always put our community first! Thank you, Natalia, for going above and beyond by providing lifesaving care as a good Samaritan after witnessing a man in need. Her quick response and knowledge made her a true healthcare hero during this critical moment, which earned her a DAISY Award and a Trauma Excellence Award by being a community trauma hero.