Elizabeth C Wendt
January 2024
Elizabeth C
Mental Health
Parkview Park Center
Fort Wayne
United States




Although the patient wasn't hers, Lizzy jumped into action as she always does and went to speak with the patient.
A patient was experiencing a mental health crisis while meeting with the doctor and would not leave the office the doctor was in. Although the patient wasn't hers, Lizzy jumped into action as she always does and went to speak with the patient. The patient just needed 1:1 support and a listening ear at the time. Lizzy was able to talk the patient through her crisis and bring her comfort when she needed it. Lizzy went out of her way to also make sure the patient got a personal blanket. The patient needed additional comfort. Lizzy always shows the patients and her coworkers so much kindness and support and she can always manage to bring a smile to everyone's face on the unit.