Marrissa Williams
August 2023
2C Medical
El Camino Health
Mountain View
United States




I feel just one conversation with Marrissa truly changed the way my hospitalization was going. I felt heard. I felt acknowledged. Marrissa, even when she was not assigned to me specifically, still took a minute or two to “check in.”
To advocate – we are always shown that we need to advocate for those without a voice. But what if you were the one who had no voice? Then we call in Marrissa!
This was no overnight stay in the hospital for me, and about day 21 or so, and mentally I really was going through it. Marrissa sat and listened and empathized. And gave me her two cents in the conversation. 

If you don’t advocate for yourself, who will do it for you? She helped me make a mental game plan to approach my medical team. I call it almost a great “pep talk.” Some were fluffy and rainbow, and some were real-life stuff I didn’t want to hear. But in the end, the next day, the doctor came in, and every ounce of me was confident expressing my own needs and asking my own questions. 

I feel just one conversation with Marrissa truly changed the way my hospitalization was going. I felt heard. I felt acknowledged. Marrissa, even when she was not assigned to me specifically, still took a minute or two to “check in.”

It made me smile and I felt that even though I was at 30 plus days admission, I was mentally just as important as the patient who was brought in last night. I never saw Marrissa without a smile, laugh, or trying to make an exhausting shift with even her co-workers just that much more bearable. 

Advocates don’t always need to be for others and even after 40/41 days in the hospital you can truly advocate for yourself and let people know you are in charge of your care as much as your doctor. Wishing Marrissa could touch every life that comes through these doors and help us outside the hospital have the nerve to advocate to any doctor. Just because a medical degree was given doesn’t mean you and your opinions don’t matter.