Casey Peterson
February 2024
Olympic Medical Center
Port Angeles
United States




Casey gave my mother a voice when she didn’t have one. He went above and beyond continuing to treat her like a person who deserved dignity and respect.
Recently, my family lost one of its most loved and cherished parts of where we all come from: my mother. Casey was the nurse on duty for the day, handling my mother’s comfort care. To say that this was a difficult day for our family does not begin to explain the emotions I understandably felt. 

Casey was empathetic, compassionate, professional, respectful, kind, and gave my family something we certainly didn’t know would help in that moment. He gave my mother a voice when she didn’t have one. He went above and beyond continuing to treat her like a person who deserved dignity and respect. He spoke to her, he showed and shared in our pain without ever making a single one of us feel like he was simply there to do a job. 

My entire family would like to thank Casey for making my mother’s final moments, not only comfortable and painless for her, but for allowing us to feel like her final moments were centered around fostering the connection we needed with her during our final moments with her.

For all of these reasons and more we, together as a family, believe Casey not only embodies every one of the named DAISY Award attributes, but also embodies the strength and dedication one could only hope for in any healthcare professional or human being overall.