Jessica L Peterson
December 2023
Jessica L
ADN, Transport RN
Banner - University Medical Center Tucson
United States




Jessica mourns with families, sympathizes with others, and is astute in detecting the needs of others, both patients and coworkers alike.
I can't think of a time when Jessica hasn't displayed clinical expertise and extraordinary compassion in her care, but that is part of the wonder of who she is, and I truly can't think of someone more deserving. In all honesty, it has taken a while for me to nominate Jessica because I haven't been able to come up with the words to describe her. She is one of the most upstanding individuals I have interacted with. Jessica is intelligent, but humble, competent, yet always seeking out ways to better herself and others. She guides professionally and compassionately, the epitome of a servant leader. Jessica is an empath. She mourns with families, sympathizes with others, and is astute in detecting the needs of others, both patients and coworkers alike. Jessica uplifts, and gently corrects, praises, and constructively criticizes in a way unlike others in her position of leadership. Her words leave you feeling appreciated, competent, and with clear steps for improvement. Something I have found to be rare within the medical world. Jessica is quirky and proficient. She is enlightening and always true to herself. She is genuine, loving, and truly truly one of a kind. The medical world is so lucky to have her.