Nataliia Coates
October 2023
Emergency Department
Sentara Williamsburg Regional Medical Center
United States




Without hesitation, she got a warm blanket and wrapped me up, hugging me, which was the most comfort I’ve ever felt from any medical staff in the moment I needed it most.
In my most vulnerable state (more so even than when I delivered my 4 kids), Nataliia was the best, most caring nurse I have ever encountered. I could feel the genuine care she had for me as a patient. I came in for pain in my lower left abdomen, the pain was so intense I was throwing up. I was scared to even go to the ER because I don’t have insurance. As soon as I arrived Nataliia saw the pain I was in, because I was shaking it was so bad. Without hesitation, she got a warm blanket and wrapped me up, hugging me, which was the most comfort I’ve ever felt from any medical staff in the moment I needed it most. I never once felt like I was bothering her or that she thought I was lying about the intensity of my pain. I felt her care for me as her patient, and she treated me as if I was family or a best friend, not a stranger. I could not thank her enough for how her genuine care for me at that moment felt. Like I said, I was in the most vulnerable state I have ever been. The pain I felt was real and the most intense pain I have ever felt, and after four kids, one being natural and one being a 9.5lbs baby with shoulder dystocia, I know my share of pain. It’s hard to describe every detail of how Nataliia made me feel, but she was by far the best nurse I’ve ever had/encountered and an amazing asset to the Sentara ER team.