Mary L Duhon
September 2023
Mary L
Pediatric Oncology
Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center
United States




I don't know what I would do without Mary. She consistently put my care first and makes sure I'm given proper care.
Mary Duhan is truly deserving of The DAISY Award. Today was supposed to be the first day of my junior year of high school. That was until I got on campus and was told I could not attend class until 504 paperwork was filed. The school then proceeded to send me home before I could even enter the building. When my father arrived at Sacred Heart Children's Hospital to get the necessary paperwork, Mary dropped everything she was doing and called the school nurse to situate the matter. Mary was not happy with how the school refused my entrance. She made it known that I am sound to go to school and just as deserving of an education as any other medically sound student. Thanks to the wonderful care Mary Duhan and RG provided I'm currently in remission, for Evans syndrome, and I finally get to go back to my normal life. I don't know what I would do without Mary. She consistently put my care first and makes sure I'm given proper care. When a different nurse temporarily took her place, it reminded me how much Mary truly provides though care while still connected with me and my situation. I've had nurses in the past who've let my condition slip past them resulting in ER visits and near-death experiences. This has never happened under Mary's watch, and I know it will never happen as long as I'm under her care. Mary is exactly what I think about when I picture a DAISY deserving nurse. Thank you, Mary!