Ben Haag
January 2024
Medical ICU
UCHealth Medical Center of the Rockies
United States




To comfort her, Ben stooped beside her, touching her hand, and sang Silent Night. That gentle moment brightened her spirits and was the first thing mom told us about when we saw her the next morning.
When our mother was admitted, we had little hope that she would make it past the first couple of days. Due to the exceptional care in medical treatment and compassion beyond anything we could have ever expected, our mom’s health improved substantially. There are no words to fully capture the care and compassion Ben gave Mom and our family. Nights have always been the hardest for Mom since Dad passed away, and Ben became our family’s angel. He cared for her and comforted us. So comforted by his presence, that after so many sleepless nights in her room and watching him care for her, he talked with us about taking care of ourselves and getting some sleep. When we talked with Mom, her first words were to ask if Ben would be there, then she agreed we should go home because she felt so cared for by him. When mom hit those sad times that too often come to her at night, Ben asked what her favorite song was. She told him ‘Silent Night’ was her favorite Christmas song. So, to comfort her, Ben stooped beside her, touching her hand, and sang Silent Night. That gentle moment brightened her spirits and was the first thing mom told us about when we saw her the next morning. Every time Ben entered the room, Mom would smile. His compassion, care, and comfort are why our mom and the rest of our family think of him as our angel. Ben demonstrated consistent professionalism combined with genuine warmth, grace, and humility. We are so blessed to have had our paths cross, even though we wish the circumstances had been better, we can’t imagine Ben not being there with us. We will always be grateful for the exceptional care he gave our dear mother. Thank you, Ben!