February 2024
Ray Hickey Hospice House
PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center
United States




We are so proud of Brittany. She's not only a great mentor but also an amazing human and ultimately one of my best nurses.
Patient was really looking forward to going on a last hunting trip. However, it seemed impossible for the trip to happen because this patient was on PCA pump due to his pain. Usually a patient on a pump isn't a barrier to a patient leaving the hospice for a couple of days. However due to a dialudid shortage, Providence couldn't provide this patient as soon as he needed it. He needed to be put on a waitlist. Our hospice nurse, Brittany Sedaker, got on the phone with Providence and shared the patient's circumstances with Providence. She must have made 15 calls in a couple of hours. She not only had her own patient load but she was also charge nurse on that day. It took her close to a couple of hours for Providence to agree to delivering the CADD pump so the patient could made his last hunting/camping to Skamania County. We are so proud of Brittany. She's not only a great mentor but also an amazing human and ultimately one of my best nurses.