Kelly Drake
November 2023
Saint Peter's University Hospital
New Brunswick
United States




When I opened the door I saw her sitting right at his bedside where I would have been, she never left his side, even when he was asleep and she could have enjoyed her break anywhere else.
My son L was admitted to the hospital at only 9 days old for difficulty breathing. We bounced from the Pediatric unit to PICU back down to Peds before being discharged. During this 11-day, 10-night stay, I never left the hospital. And during that entire stay there was only one time I was able to step outside and regroup. That was when Kelly Drake volunteered to take my spot at his bedside. Kelly not only took exceptional care of my newborn baby, but she also took care of me and my mental health at a time when I really needed the support. I was very freshly postpartum, sleep deprived, overwhelmed by my new son's health, and starting to feel depressed/trapped staring at the same four walls. Kelly recognized that I was becoming tearful in conversations and needed a break, but I was scared to leave my son alone. She offered to take my place at L's side while I went outside to get some fresh air and sunlight for the first time in over a week. As soon as I stepped outside, I was able to take a deep breath, let out a much-needed cry, and take a few minutes to get myself together without the sounds of call bells and alarms going off. When I came back to the pediatric floor, I thought I would see Kelly near my son's room, and she would reassure me that she didn't hear him cry and checked on him frequently. But when I opened the door I saw her sitting right at his bedside where I would have been, she never left his side, even when he was asleep and she could have enjoyed her break anywhere else. Kelly had not only got him to sleep but had bathed him, changed his bedding and gown, and even got him a cute hospital hat. That day, Kelly took care of two patients, me and my son, without even realizing it. I will always be grateful to all of the amazing pediatric nurses who took such great care of my son, but I will never forget Kelly for taking care of me, too.