Erin Coleman
November 2023
General Med
Saint Louis Children's Hospital
Saint Louis
United States




She went out of her way to find a blanket, to make a skirt for her, and fairy wings, both pink, her very favorite color.
Erin Coleman made the transition from the ICU very easy for my son and our family. She made his 4-year-old sister, who has been nervous about visiting the hospital, feel especially welcome. Erin went out of her way to find a blanket, to make a skirt for her, and fairy wings, both pink her favorite color. Then Erin took her on a “parade” around the floor to show off her twirling. They also collected more pink stuff along the way: a party hat and hearts drawn on her hands. My daughter spent some time with Erin drawing and playing with a pink cash register in her brother’s room as well. All of this made my daughter feel more comfortable and happy with visiting her brother at the hospital. The whole floor was so kind and welcoming to our family, especially my daughter.