Elena Williams
January 2024
2 West
NorthShore University HealthSystem - Highland Park Hospital
Highland Park
United States




Elena is receptive to feedback, and is always looking for ways to improve herself as a nurse, and the unit she works for.
Elena Williams was one of the first nurses I met at 2 West. Throughout my many hospitalizations, Elena has been by my side and always helping me when I need her advice. It was Elena’s advice and support that encouraged me to go to residential treatment, which ended up saving my life multiple times. Elena cares a lot about her patients and her work, and is very knowledgeable. Elena is receptive to feedback, and is always looking for ways to improve herself as a nurse, and the unit she works for. Elena has helped me get back on my feet, and I wouldn’t be who I am today without her. Thank you Elena for everything you’ve done for me and other patients.