Olivia Williams
December 2023
Goshen Hospital
United States




I was so impressed with her knowledge and assessment of the situation. Through that conversation, I was able to breathe and feel comfortable waiting till the next day to make the hour-long drive to the hospital to see my grandma myself.
My grandmother was admitted to the ICU unexpectedly with a UTI that quickly progressed to sepsis and was very sick. Long story short, I’m the only RN in the family, so I began running point and tried to keep the whole family updated on the ever-changing situation. My grandpa was only absorbing part of the information that was being relayed to him, so with his permission, I reached out to the nurse who was taking care of my grandmother. Our family was blessed to have Olivia taking care of Grandma for the first three days of her long stay. I called up to the ICU and asked her to give me the whole picture of what was going on, and she proceeded to give me all the labs, vitals, physical assessment, and plan of care. I was so impressed with her knowledge and assessment of the situation. Through that conversation, I was able to breathe and feel comfortable waiting till the next day to make the hour-long drive to the hospital to see my grandma myself. She was so understanding and willing to take the time out of her busy shift to talk with me, which allowed me to relay information to the rest of the family. Grandpa really appreciated her and her care during their stay. She took the time to explain to him what was happening and updated him frequently. During their time in ICU, they received excellent care from the majority of the staff they came in contact with. I’m happy to report that Grandma is doing much better and is slowly gaining back strength and stamina each day. Thank you for your amazing and compassionate care!”