Travis Dyet
January 2024
Banner University Medical Center - Tucson
United States




As days went on, I couldn't wait to see Travis in my room, I am so grateful to have had him and felt always at ease because I knew he was training the students and it just made me feel like this is exactly how I would want my friends or family to be treated.
I am nominating Travis for his superb work in ICU. I unfortunately suffered a stroke 4 months ago and the only thing I can honestly say is that Travis is the reason I continue to get up every day to heal because I can still hear his voice asking if I was good. "X, are you good?"
Working here at Banner and seeing all the employees walk through the halls- you know they work here, and you know they are here for the ONE mission, but if you really stop to think about it, we all experience different ones within healthcare. Never did I once realize I would be on the other side as a patient and have life saving measures presented to me in the place I work. Sometimes I would think, "Wow, how many lives were saved today in this place? Who gets to help save those lives, not just physicians but people like Travis who work with their head and heart. Who doesn't just treat you differently because you are someone that works here or for any other reason?"

Travis was training others while I was in the ICU. I am surprised I remember so much, but I remember him gracefully telling students, please don't do it this way or that way. This is how I do, and here's why. He had so much patience, he was aware of his surroundings. Soon he realized  I had so many visitors in the halls, who is she? Well, my family, my work family, pastors were just in line to come see me. As I lay there starting to wake up, he told everyone I had to change her, so please leave the room and come back in an hour. 

That's when I met him with my eyes and started speaking to him. He was assuring me of my recovery, how I just needed to truly rest. He said I don't mind being the bad guy, but you have so many visitors I just want you to rest, please let me know how you feel. At that moment, he was here to protect my space and me. While the days went on, I got to hear his voice while my eyes were closed as i suffered from horrible headaches. But every time he came in, he was soft spoken and very professional, He adjusted tights and closed door if there were noises. He would speak to my parents on some verbiage that the Doctors would present, many of the doctors I think forget to dial it down on explaining things, but as busy as Travis was with a full floor, he took time to answer questions or write them down for the physicians to answer. 
As days went on, I couldn't wait to see Travis in my room, I am so grateful to have had him and felt always at ease because I knew he was training the students and it just made me feel like this is exactly how I would want my friends or family to be treated. Just knowing that he was training the students just instills the ethic we need to have across the board,  He didn't just treat me as just another stroke patient he got to know me and observe the surroundings for my best interest. My parents got to know him as he talked about how and where he grew up. 

The way he speaks to his colleagues and students was just remarkable. 

Travis is a role model and deserves this recognition.  Travis is a true leader who will help make a bright future for those students and the healthcare community.

I can’t thank him enough for treating me and my family with so much care.  I hope to see him on site when I return and give him thanks. 
Thank you for this opportunity to share my story and experience.