Molly Mliner
December 2023
Children's Wisconsin
United States




Know that you make a difference every day.
Our son was here for surgery, and through every step of getting ready, our little guy was terrified! The doctors let us stay with him until he was ready to go, and it was so heartbreaking seeing him go back without us.

After waiting a few hours, we had a knock on our door, and someone brought us back to the wakeup room where Molly Mliner was waiting for us with our kiddo - he was a whole new man! Molly spoke to our kid so nicely and gently, and you could just see the love she has for kids through everything she did. She gave him a little ipad, a popsicle, and a warm blanket! They talked all the way on our way back to our room we're going home from, and we didn't want to miss the opportunity to say how much her care meant to us.

Molly, we hope you see this! We want this note to get to your boss’s boss! Because the care you gave our son was life-changing for him. Our son has always been scared of hospitals, but because of you, he's already saying he's excited to go see the doctors again in a week for his checkup. Thanks again for the Paw Patrol band-aid, I don't think he's ever going to let us take it off! Know that you make a difference every day. Best nurse we've ever had!