Meghan Wilson
January 2024
St. Joseph's Children's Hospital
United States




They were so thankful for this moment of “pause” during this challenging time. They were able to reconnect as a family, spend precious time together, laugh and play, and make important memories that they will hold on to forever. 
This nurse works in an environment that can be incredibly challenging. The patient population can be heavy, sad, and taxing for the patients, their families, and the team that cares for them. However, this nurse is an actual light that shines so bright that her energy and positivity are contagious to everyone she encounters. She is incredible with all of our patients, but we have one in particular who has needed her light and has benefitted from her care immensely. 

On one particular weekend our patient and his family received some very sad news. The patient had been hospitalized for quite some time, and with the addition of the sad news about treatment, the family was really struggling and needed some positivity. Because our patient has been inpatient for so long, he had not spent much time with his siblings and he truly was missing them. This nurse got a little extra creative and identified a way to provide additional support during this very difficult time. 

She started thinking outside of the box and had the idea of inviting the patient’s siblings to the hospital for a slumber party. She spoke with leadership for permission and involved Child Life, and once she got the go-ahead for the party, she shared the idea with her patient and his family. They were ecstatic. This idea blossomed into a playroom movie night, a video game party with LED lights, and tons of activities for the family to do. There were snacks, and crafts, and games, and they had the time of their lives. 

When I came back in on Monday and asked the patient about the weekend slumber party, he and his Mom lit up while talking about it. They were so thankful for this moment of “pause” during this challenging time. They were able to reconnect as a family, spend precious time together, laugh and play, and make important memories that they will hold on to forever. 

I want this nurse to know that although this may seem like a small gesture or idea, it truly impacted the entire family in such a positive way. It was a moment of legacy building among the siblings and one they will likely never forget. Thank you for thinking outside of the box and bringing this family together for such an amazing experience. This nurse needs to know how truly incredible she is and the immense impact she makes on those she cares for. No one is more deserving than she is!