Jeanette Rohrer
February 2024
Same Day Surgery
Washington DC VA Medical Center
United States




Jeanette displays a commitment to a Culture of Safety by using safety values and practices to prevent harm, exercise resilience, and learn from mistakes. 
Jeanette Rohrer is a great asset to not only our unit team but also to the entire institution.  Jeanette demonstrates HRO Pillars, Principles, and Values in her daily patient care practices.  As a veteran, Jeanette can connect with patients and establish trust with them and their caregivers.  Jeanette has displayed great leadership skills, and is often sought out by others in the institution for help and guidance on various issues.  Jeanette has guided the unit as changes are being presented and has even taken on the responsibility of mentoring others on new charge nurse duties.  

As her manager, I have worked with Jeanette to feel comfortable and supported when encountering issues that create a safety concern. Jeanette was one of the staff members who helped to prevent a potential wrong-side surgery. She recently identified a patient’s allergy that no other member of the patient's care team documented. In identifying this allergy, the patient’s procedure was cancelled and rescheduled for a later date due to the need to pre-medicate the patient in order to avert any potential reactions.

Jeanette displays a commitment to a Culture of Safety by using safety values and practices to prevent harm, exercise resilience, and learn from mistakes.  Jeanette has identified numerous patient safety near misses during her time in SDPU.  Jeanette displayed a commitment to Culture of Safety recently by reviewing the patient’s medication allergies and avoiding the administration of an ordered medication that would have had a negative effect on the patient.  She displays ICARE values in all that she does.