Samantha Guerra
December 2023
Family Centered Care (FCC)
Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center
United States




Samantha not only assisted me with the physical aspect of my recovery, but she knew I needed more than that!  She knew I was hurting more emotionally because of her ability to pay close attention to her patient’s needs.
When an individual comes to work every day filled with passion, care, and more than what the job description requires they can’t help but stand out.  Nurse Samantha Guerra is this exceptional individual! I was transferred from Labor and Delivery to the postpartum unit where my husband and I were greeted by her warm and smiling face, sweet voice, and compassionate eyes.  She was everything we needed at that moment.  I experienced post-delivery trauma, and needed a blood transfusion, along with rounds of antibiotics and more.  My husband was helpless and nervous about my condition, while being ecstatic about meeting our baby girl. 

Our newborn daughter was placed in the NICU for preventative reasons. It was an overwhelming whirlwind, to say the least, and wasn't the vision I had! I imagined holding my daughter, bonding skin to skin, and beginning my breastfeeding journey. As a first-time mom, I had no idea what my postpartum physical care needs would be.  Samantha made all the awkward and embarrassing moments funny and light! We laughed together when I probably should have been crying. Samantha not only assisted me with the physical aspect of my recovery, but she knew I needed more than that!  She knew I was hurting more emotionally because of her ability to pay close attention to her patient’s needs.  She also made C, my husband, feel seen and comforted by checking in with him and seeing if he needed anything. You see, Samantha didn't just “perform” her job. Samantha stands out amongst the other nurses because everything she did, she did genuinely with her whole heart. She went above and beyond, which made it difficult when she left at the end of her shift. Each time she returned, C and I were both thrilled she was back! 

During Samantha’s last shift with us, she came into the room to change my medication, looked at both of us and apologized if she seemed a little bit absent-minded during her shift. C and I looked up at her and asked her if she was all right. She explained that she had just received word that her uncle passed away unexpectedly. Here, she was expected to take care of our needs and complete her shift when she should have been home with her family, taking care of her own needs. Not to mention, she did this with grace and a warm and smiling face. She didn’t skip a beat! 

Samantha Guerra may have only been a small portion of our first-time childbirth story, but she left an everlasting impression on us.  Imagine how many patients’ lives she impacts daily! We will never forget her and the influence she had on our lives.  There is truly no one more deserving of this award and recognition!