Stephanie Crispino
May 2023
Fortunato Breast Center
Mather Hospital
Port Jefferson
United States




Stephanie is an advocate for women, she provides care and compassion when working with the interprofessional team during difficult situations.
Stephanie Crispino, RN, CBCN is a nurse in Mather Hospital’s Fortunato Breast Center and received her DAISY Award for her work facilitating and reviving a breast cancer support group. The group was forced to stop meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Stephanie was determined to get the group back together and had them initially meet outdoors as restrictions began to lift. Eventually they transitioned back to regular monthly meetings. Stephanie is an advocate for women, she provides care and compassion when working with the interprofessional team during difficult situations. Stephanie also advocates for patients with language barriers and provides services to ensure continuity of care. In addition, many patients send letters and cards of thanks each month testifying to her dedication to this unique group of patients. She follows them for the course of their treatment and often beyond. Stephanie always puts the patient first.