Kate Tibbs
March 2024
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom




if she had not checked at that time, Double checked, acted immediately and firmly insisted my condition was urgent and in need of rapid action, I'm certain I would not have survived.
I have been admitted on many occasions with kidney infections/urosepsis often triggered by bilateral nephrostomies. Usually a few days on intravenous antibiotics and being sent home with oral meds is sufficient. One evening,I began to show signs of infection after a painful flush of my right nephrostomy, earlier that day. A call to 111 resulted in a visit from paramedics. At about 2-30am, temp was over 39% and I had shivers etc. I was transported to A&E and had a cannula put in place. At around 6am I told my husband to go home as I knew I would be in assessment for a while. Time after that was a bit blurry, but ended up in a bed in EAU4 where I was being assessed. At around 4pm nurse Kate Tibbs accompanied a doctor at my bedside and he explained to me that a DNR package was in place because of my many health issues. I started to become drowsy and everything became blurry. My stats and OBS were not due at that time but nurse Tibbs was keeping a close observation of me. At some point she felt there was a change and perhaps even a deterioration, she just felt by looking at me something was very wrong. She stopped her routine and took my OBS, I remember hearing her say “that can't be right”. She immediately checked again using a different machine and said to me “I have to leave you for a moment but will be straight back”. She quickly returned, held my hand and explained that a medical team would be arriving in a hurry, but not to be alarmed or scared. I was later informed that my BP was 32/15 and if she had not checked at that time, Double checked, acted immediately and firmly insisted my condition was urgent and in need of rapid action, I'm certain I would not have survived. When the team arrived urgent care was given and when I stabilized I was admitted to ITU for treatment for sepsis for four days then onto a general ward and then allowed home. I sincerely believe that nurse Tibbs, who I later found out had only just qualified, was observant, vigilant, insistent and compassionate and thanks to her actions at that time my family is planning Xmas and not a funeral. I have seen nurse Tibbs since then and thanked her in person but I feel such certainty that her willingness to intervene and sound the alarm of my desperate state, made all the difference and should be recognised.