Meagan Ellard
February 2024
St. Luke's Hospital
United States




When Megan would walk into the room, my mother would light up and smile.
Megan Ellard is a very special Nurse with a unique caring personality that we noticed right away when she would come into my mother's room to care for her. My mother was there in December and was well taken care of during her stay at St Luke's.

When Megan would walk into the room, my mother would light up and smile. She could get her to eat better and relax when she needed care. She could get mom to smile with a little soft "boop" on the nose. Mom always smiled when she did that.

Our family noticed because of that special bond and level of care, that mom retained her dignity and comfort. Not only was this special, but there are also two other things that set Megan apart from others. The first thing is when mom went to the Nursing Home after her stay at St Lukes, mom fell at the Nursing Home and had to come back to St Luke's E.R. to be checked for broken bones. While in the E.R, Megan saw mom’s name on the E.R. list and came down to see her! Mom lit up when she saw her. I have never seen this from a nurse before. I was impressed that she cared to come down and say hi --and of course mom smiled and relaxed. It meant a lot to us, to see this type of concern for her. With no broken bones, mom went back to the Nursing Home.

A few weeks later, mom’s oxygen levels went down so low she was hospitalized again and admitted to the hospital. Mom knew it was her time and passed away comfortably. This is the second special thing about Megan. She and her fiancé came to my mom’s funeral! We can't tell you how much that meant to all of us! It was a beautiful, caring and thoughtful thing for a Nurse to do. It was special and we will treasure that memory forever!
We heard about the DAISY Award and all of my family immediately nominated her for this award. She is well deserving of this special and grateful award.