Ben Vogel
April 2024
Inpatient Float Pool
Hennepin Healthcare
United States




Ben cared for C as if he knew him before the accident and gave us such confidence that he was in good hands.
Ben provided the most wonderful care to C. Both of us are nurses and so for us to nominate Ben, means something maybe slightly different than a non-nurse nominating someone. When Ben first cared for C after suffering 60% full thickness burns, he made it clear that he cared about who C was as a person, his personality, his quirks, and played music C liked. For us, it was really hard for us to leave the bedside- as nurses we were so worried and anxious about how critical he was- we weren't able to leave, we weren't sleeping, we couldn't eat. When Ben was on, both of us felt like we could go back to the apartment and sleep- and this was because his skills were top-notch; he cared for C as if he knew him before the accident and gave us such confidence that he was in good hands. We would call Ben at 1 am to check on how C was doing, and he was honest and forthcoming and always gave us a sense of comfort that "he's got this". We will forever be grateful, Ben.