Jessica Sheppard
March 2024
Lt Charles S Kettles
Ann Arbor
United States




Because of her judgement and advocacy, the Veteran had the proper lead revision needed that could have been missed.
Recently, Jessica trusted her judgement and went well above and beyond to ensure a Veteran received the proper care. A Veteran arrived to the cardiology clinic where she did a device interrogation. She noticed the right atrium was not capturing, an assessment that was missed by others prior to the visit. She worked with the provider team to ensure a chest X-ray was completed, confirmed dislodgement, and was staffed by our EP director. Because of her judgement and advocacy, the Veteran had the proper lead revision needed that could have been missed. She stood out as a nurse willing and able to go beyond the normal call of duty. Jessica Sheppard has advanced from the device care manager to the device nurse for the cardiology clinic. Since switching, she has developed innovative ways to help staff and schedule Veterans currently in the clinic saving multiple community of care referrals. She has consistently gone above and beyond to contact industry leaders to help train and evolve other staff members. She seamlessly works with the electrophysiology team to provide the highest care to our Veterans. She truly exemplifies the I-CARE values. I care about those who have served. I care about my fellow being employees. I care about choosing the harder right instead of the easier wrong. I care about performing my duties to the very best of my abilities.