Johnna Bottila
April 2024
6th Floor
Children's Minnesota
St. Paul
United States




If it wasn’t for Johnna’s patience, knowledge, creativity, determination, and support, I don’t think this would have been our happy ending!
I honestly don’t think we would have been able to leave the hospital when we did without Johnna! Johnna was our nurse during our 2nd stay at Children's as my daughter’s appendix ruptured and then she got an infection. After 5 days of IV antibiotics, we were switched to oral. The oral meds tasted so bad my daughter was having a hard time getting it down. Johnna was so patient with her and offered different options to try and get it down. While one of the options worked once, it didn’t work for the next round. We, as her parents, were nervous we weren’t going to be able to go home since she couldn’t take her meds, or if we did, it would be with a picc line that we didn’t really want. But then Johnna, our super nurse, went back to the drawing board and came up with a recipe of melted popsicle, crystal lite packets, and a pre/pos crystal lite drink to help her with the meds! While it didn’t taste great, our daughter was able to take the meds consistently, and we were able to leave the next day. Johnna wrote down her recipe on our discharge papers to ensure we would be successful at home! If it wasn’t for Johnna’s patience, knowledge, creativity, determination, and support, I don’t think this would have been our happy ending! I will be forever grateful to her for what she did for my daughter and us. She will forever be part of this story as our super nurse and guardian angel who got us home!! Johnna is our true hero!