Patricia Reyes
October 2023
General Hospitalization
Christus Muguerza Hospital Saltillo




That day, without knowing it, my coach taught me what no one had ever taught me in school: the value of compassion. At that moment I witnessed how Paty fulfills the Hospital's very mission of Extending the Healing Ministry of Jesus Christ.
La enfermera Paty desempeña la labor de enfermera oncológica y coach en este hospital y considero que si alguien merece que su labor sea reconocida es a ella , por qué además de ser excelente coach y tener años de experiencia, descubrí que tiene un corazón de oro una actitud compasiva y un sentido de empatía tremendo, la historia se trata de un paciente pediátrico muy peculiar que como muchos otros tocó el corazón de Paty , pues el niño recurría con frecuentes hospitalizaciones por un padecimiento congénito difícil de tratar , A era el nombre del hermoso pequeño, a quien Paty llegó a querer mucho ya que ella era asignada como su enfermera, me impresionaba el afán que ella tenía por hacer sonreír a este pequeño, pues si ella en algún lugar del hospital encontraba un globo, una pelota , ella lo procuraba para él. A por complicaciones termino en terapia intensiva pediátrica, lo cual generó gran preocupación en Paty quien a diario caminaba hasta esa tensa sala de espera donde se encontraba con los padres de A y sin externar una opinión o alguna palabra ella , los escuchaba, los abrazaba y les daba su apoyo. Cierto día Paty me invitó a ir a saludar a los papás de A y ese día habían recibido muy malas noticias, al salir de ahí nos fuimos a la capilla y ante el Santísimo Sacramento nos pusimos a orar por A para que Dios obrara conforme a su voluntad con el pequeño, ese día sin saber mi coach me enseñó lo que jamás nunca nadie me había enseñado en una escuela el valor de la compasión, en ese momento fui testigo de cómo Paty cumple con la misión misma del Hospital de Extender el Ministerio Sanador de Jesucristo. Al final A voló alto para estar con nuestro buen padre Dios, y sus papás le comunicaron a Paty a quien siempre mantenían informada de toda la situación como si fuera un familiar, me impresionó tanto su reacción pues lloro desconsoladamente por su partida, como si Dios le hubieran arrancado un pedacito de su corazón para llevarlo con El.

Translated using Google:

Nurse Paty works as an oncology nurse and coach in this hospital and I believe that if anyone deserves to have her work recognized, it is her, because in addition to being an excellent coach and having years of experience, I discovered that she has a heart of gold, compassionate attitude and a tremendous sense of empathy. This story is about a very peculiar pediatric patient who, like many others, touched Paty's heart, as the child had frequent hospitalizations for a congenital condition that was difficult to treat. A was the name of the beautiful little boy, whom Paty came to love very much since she was assigned as his nurse; I was impressed by the desire she had to make this little boy smile because if she found a balloon or a ball somewhere in the hospital, she would try to find it, for him. Due to complications, A ended up in pediatric intensive care, which generated great concern in Paty, who walked daily to that tense waiting room where she met A's parents, and without expressing an opinion or a word, she listened to them, hugged them, and gave them his support. One day, Paty invited me to go greet A's parents, and that day, they received very bad news. When we left there, we went to the chapel, and before the Blessed Sacrament, we began to pray for A so that God would act according to his will with the little one. That day, without knowing it, my coach taught me what no one had ever taught me in school: the value of compassion. At that moment I witnessed how Paty fulfills the Hospital's very mission of Extending the Healing Ministry of Jesus Christ. In the end, A flew high to be with our good Father God, and his parents informed Paty whom they always kept informed, of the entire situation as if he were a family member. I was so surprised by my reaction because I cried uncontrollably for his departure as if God tore out a little piece of his heart to take with Him.