Josh Besite
October 2023
94 IMC
UF Health Shands
United States




In that moment, Josh didn't just provide shoes; he offered a lifeline. He became a symbol of hope and portrays the kindness that exists within the human heart. He showed that, even in the face of adversity and frustration, compassion can triumph.
In a world that often seems filled with indifference and chaos, it is individuals like Josh who restore our faith. Josh, a nurse with a heart of gold, embodies the very essence of compassion, kindness, and selflessness in his actions. His ability to touch the lives of patients, transforming their darkest moments into rays of hope, is a testament to the extraordinary impact one person can have on others. Josh's infectious kindness and unwavering commitment to his patients make him stand out in a profession known for its demanding nature. With each shift, he enters the hospital with a smile that radiates warmth, instantly putting patients at ease. He possesses a rare gift - the ability to connect with patients not just as medical cases, but as fellow humans battling their own struggles. His conversations are not merely clinical; they are genuine exchanges that bridge the gap between illness and humanity.

It is the power of laughter/smile that often acts as Josh's secret weapon. Amidst the beeping machines, cold hallways, and the ever-present fear of the unknown, Josh brings joy into the lives of his patients. His humor, delivered with impeccable timing, has the magical ability to lighten even the heaviest of hearts. His jokes are not mere distractions; they are lifelines that help patients momentarily forget the pain and uncertainty they face. However, Josh's kindness goes beyond humor. He is a pillar of support for his fellow nurses, always ready to lend a hand. He treats his colleagues' patients as if they were his own, ensuring that every patient under his care receives the same level of compassion and attention. In a profession that can often be characterized by stress and burnout, Josh is a beacon of unity and solidarity, reminding us all that we are stronger when we support one another.

One unforgettable moment that encapsulates the essence of Josh's compassionate spirit occurred when he encountered a young man as a patient, who was grappling with emotional turmoil. This patient was determined to leave against medical advice, driven by a deep sense of despair. Josh, recognizing the emotional turmoil beneath the surface, went above and beyond to find the resources the patient needed to reconsider. It wasn't until Josh discovered the young man's dire situation, his bare feet indicating a lack of even the most basic necessities, that the full depth of his empathy shone through. Without hesitation, Josh offered the young man his own gym shoes that seemed to wait patiently in his locker, selflessly sacrificing his personal agenda to ensure that the patient didn't have to walk out barefoot. In that moment, Josh didn't just provide shoes; he offered a lifeline. He became a symbol of hope and portrays the kindness that exists within the human heart. He showed that, even in the face of adversity and frustration, compassion can triumph. Josh's actions remind us that kindness is a universal language and is an example of the profound impact a single individual can have on countless lives. Let us celebrate and honor the Joshes of the world, those who remind us of the innate goodness within us all. Let us be inspired to emulate his compassion, his kindness, and his unwavering dedication to making the world a better place, one selfless act at a time.