Progressive Care Unit Nurses
April 2024
Progressive Care Unit Nurses
Progressive Care Unit
UW Health SwedishAmerican Hospital
United States
Brittany N Knoll, BSN, RN
Julia A Salisbury, ADN, RN




They just wanted to help another human being and make sure that their patients were adequately prepared to go home.
According to Merriam Webster the word, generosity, is the quality or state of being generous. Synonyms to this word are selflessness, kindness, and openheartedness. These words perfectly describe Brittany and Julia. Today while completing rounding to connect with staff, I overheard a conversation between these two nurses. They were discharging two patients from C pod and preparing to set up med-to-bed for both patients. Both patients were low income and could not pay for the medications prescribed to them. Both patients stated they would fill the medications after discharge. As I stood there, Julia took out a ten-dollar bill to pay for one medication while Brittany used her own debit card to pay for the other. No questions asked - no judgment. They just wanted to help another human being and make sure that their patients were adequately prepared to go home. Their generosity not only helped take care of their patients for the next month, but touched the hearts of all who witnessed it.