Ashley Aubuchon
November 2023
John J. Pershing VA Medical Center
Poplar Bluff
United States




For five years, Ashley has been outside in the wind, sleet, snow, heat, etc., serving up to 90 Veterans with bags and boxes of food.
Integrity: Ashley is also the flu immunization program director. Throughout the year, they are coordinating flu vaccinations. It may not seem like a lot, but this person ensures that Veteran and employee flu vaccines are secured, reminders are activated, staff are educated, space is allocated, and all necessary equipment and supplies are in place. Last fall, there was an error in the temperature management of the vaccines. She showed humility and brought awareness to the issue. She led efforts for all potentially affected Veterans and employees to be reimmunized.

Commitment: Every month, Ashley leads the Veteran Food Pantry. She never takes a vacation, sick leave, or anything else on these days. For five years, Ashley has been outside in the wind, sleet, snow, heat, etc., serving up to 90 Veterans with bags and boxes of food. She deals with complaints, compliments, and concerns with the utmost grace. She arrives early and stays late to try to serve everyone. As the economy declined, she took the program and overdoubled it. She writes grants for the food pantry and ensures its stability year after year. Ashley coordinates with SEMO Food Bank to ensure Veterans are served. She also worked with Farmington CBOC to begin their own Veteran food pantry.

Advocacy: One of the collateral duties she performs is the scholarship coordination for JJP employees. Ashley leads the selection committee. She goes above and beyond to ensure that all the employee's paperwork is submitted correctly. She collaborates with colleges and universities for student degree audits, transcripts, and billing. She submits obligations and is watchful of students' budgets.

Respect: Ashley teaches Veteran classes and is always so respectful in talking to and teaching Veterans. Often Veterans contact them with assistance regarding other programs and this person dutifully assists them with a warm hand-off.

Excellence: One of the collateral duties she performs is the scholarship coordination for JJP employees. Ashley leads the selection committee. She goes above and beyond to ensure that all the employee's paperwork is submitted correctly. She collaborates with colleges and universities for student degree audits, transcripts, and billing. She submits obligations and is watchful of students' budgets.

I could go on and on about how special Ashley is and the values that she represents, but I think her values speak volumes. While she might not always directly distribute the care delivery, as a program coordinator of many items, she carries immense responsibilities that impact many Veterans and employees alike.