Brittany Smen
May 2024
Emergency Department
Island Health
United States




She brought her mind, her physical self, her passion for nursing, and her human compassion to every interaction.
I am a compassionate care trainer for healthcare providers, and Brittany Smen epitomizes every aspect of compassionate care.
Returning from a long flight from Singapore, I developed concerning symptoms, and when I was told by urgent care to go to the ED for possible blood clots, Brittany, the triage nurse, stood out immediately. She looked me right in the eyes and read my emotions. She connected with me physically by not looking away when she spoke. She was empathic as well as kind, and she showed me that she was aware that I had a textbook case of symptoms for blood clots. She brought her mind, her physical self, her passion for nursing, and her human compassion to every interaction.
While in the ED overnight, when I wasn't getting any information because the staff was busy with emergencies, she asked questions on my behalf and kept me well-informed. When calls were being made to find me a bed to have emergency surgery, she kept nudging people to keep looking and encouraging me that all that could be done was being tried. It felt to both my husband and myself like we had a cheerleader!
When they located a bed and she delivered the news, it was with a hopeful spirit. When I left in the ambulance, I felt in excellent hands.
She maintained a vital connection that made all the difference in my remaining hopeful and trusting that I was being well cared for during this medical crisis.  When a patient and family are facing a medical crisis and possible death, they want to feel connected to those who are caring for them. We as a family will never forget our “earthly angel,” Brittany, and we want her to be recognized for the outstanding nurse she is!