Danielle Molden
May 2024
Medicine West
Saint Joseph Hospital
United States




If there is a need, she finds a way to fulfill it. She carries the same mentality through meetings and has advocated at every opportunity for patients, her team, and what's right. She does so with grace while conveying urgency when needed. This supports process changes and information sharing that have a positive impact.
It is with immense pride and profound admiration that I submit this nomination for Danielle Molden to receive the DAISY Lifetime Achievement Award. Throughout her remarkable 43-year tenure here at Saint Joseph Hospital, Danielle has demonstrated unparalleled dedication and remarkable contributions to patients, caregivers, and the profession of nursing.

Having had the privilege of working closely with Danielle, first as a peer clinical nurse manager, and now as her Director, I can attest to the extraordinary impact she has made within our organization. Danielle epitomizes the core values and mission of Saint Joseph Hospital, serving with a steadfast commitment to mentoring, advocating for patients and caregivers, and her relentless pursuit of excellence in the field of nursing.

In every aspect of her daily practice, Danielle goes above and beyond, treating each patient and caregiver with the same level of compassion and care she would extend to her own family. Her leadership has not only shaped the standard of care on our medicine unit but has also fostered an environment where both patients and caregivers thrive, resulting in exceptional clinical outcomes and unparalleled levels of satisfaction.

Throughout her esteemed career, Danielle has been a driving force behind numerous process improvements, most notably to me is her work on workplace violence and the creation of our BEST Alerts standing as a testament to her unwavering dedication to patient safety and staff well-being. Little did Danielle know that her efforts would resonate far beyond Saint Joseph Hospital, as the BEST Alerts initiative has been embraced region-wide, poised to make a lasting impact on healthcare practices at an enterprise level.

While I could continue to recount the countless ways in which Danielle has left an imprint on our organization, I believe it is equally important to hear from those whose lives she has directly impacted. As I reached out to her fellow nurses and leaders to solicit their reflections on Danielle’s impact on their personal journeys, there was an enthusiastic response from all eager to contribute their sentiments. 


Danielle exemplifies what is tremendous about being a nurse leader with her head and heart. She has excellent leadership skills and has served as a wonderful mentor over the years at St. Joseph Hospital. Danielle has been very active to ensure caregiver safety is at the highest level possible by providing leadership, mentorship and a vision. Knowing and working with Danielle for the past 10 years she puts her caregivers and patients before all else, going above and beyond. Danielle has one of the biggest hearts and truly cares for us all. I and many others know we are better people for having known Danielle Molden.


Danielle is extremely dedicated to her staff and her unit. She goes above and beyond to do what is best for her staff and the patients we care for. For staff that are having personal issues, she makes them feel 100% supported by checking on them and helping them with resources or whatever is needed. I personally had a devastating life change last year, and I could not have made it without her support, kindness, and love. I cannot say enough how much I appreciate her dedication and support. She will be greatly missed. Love you, Danielle!


I have had the privilege to work near Danielle's office for a few years now.  Oftentimes, she will come walking in with a big suitcase.  It's one of those extra-large checked bags.  Not long after, you'll see Danielle walking out of her office with a cart stacked with goodies.  Goodies she knows that her team is going to enjoy during a meeting, education, or a stressful day.  Something to bring joy to whatever is taking place.  She does all of this from the goodness of her heart.  I know that she has done this with her patients as well.  If there is a need, she finds a way to fulfill it.  She carries the same mentality through meetings and has advocated at every opportunity for patients, her team, and what's right.  She does so with grace while conveying urgency when needed.  This supports process changes and information sharing that have a positive impact.  

Danielle is also willing to take the time to help any other leader in the house when they need it.  Whether that's covering their department, checking in with their charge nurses, or answering questions, she will make sure it happens.  Everyone knows they are in good hands with Danielle at their side.  

She does all this with a fiery spirit, sure to make those around her laugh.  And not just a normal laugh, a belly laugh that makes your abs hurt and eyes water.  She naturally brings fun and humor to whatever she does.  


Over the years I've been working with Danielle, her continued devotion and compassionate care to not only the patients but her team is truly amazing and inspiring. She has continued to advocate for the care of her nurses. Throughout the years, if there is a change coming to the floor, she will advocate for the potential nurse's perception and ask for changes if possible. She is able to verbalize these changes in a way that helps us understand their importance. She stops at nothing to advocate for improving workplace violence. She has seen the importance of the needed changes for both the hospital and the staff.


Danielle gives her all to her team and patients. She stands up for what she feels is right for her team and their job satisfaction and most importantly their safety.
She takes the time to really mentor and grow her leadership team. She provides them with the knowledge and skills to be able to move on in their career and be successful.


I couldn't think of a person more deserving of this award. Danielle is an inspirational nurse leader who embodies all of the qualities I have looked up to over the past 18 years. She has cared for, motivated, and advocated for us, ensured our safety, and promoted our development. She is the epitome of a nurse leader. How fortunate I am to have worked with her. I am forever grateful!  


Danielle is the kind of manager that cares intensely about her team. She bends over backward for us to let us know she is here for us both personally and professionally. She wants more than anything else for her staff to feel supported. She exhibits integrity in doing everything she can to be as fair and even-minded as humanly possible, even when the situations are extremely grey and doing the right thing isn't always easy. She has always presented new initiatives with courage and compassion, knowing that change is not always easy. She does an incredible job of being positive and setting the tone for the unit and has for over 40 years. She is constantly reaching out and expressing concern and caring to staff members who might be going through personal difficulties. She is endlessly supportive of staff who might be having professional struggles. Danielle has spent a lifetime of service and devotion taking care of patients and those who take care of them, and she absolutely deserves this honor. This isn't just a job to her and she shows that with every action she takes.


Hours of following up with staff and providing support and compassion for personal struggles and tragedies during free time.
Countless hours advocating for her staff so they can provide the best care possible.
Advocating for patients with history of IVDU and those of their families. She shares her own personal struggles with family and friends who have a history of addiction with no judgment and uses that experience to form meaningful relationships with both patients and their families. 
She has personally called and checked in with me when I was going through struggles with my marriage and family. Her support meant the world to me, and I know she shows that same consideration to everyone on her team. 


It is with tremendous enthusiasm that I write to you in support of the nomination of Danielle Molden for the DAISY Lifetime Achievement Award. I have never met a nurse who is a more passionate advocate for her patients and her staff, and I have witnessed this firsthand on numerous occasions. Danielle tirelessly challenges her team to have compassion when dealing with difficult patients, encouraging them to consider what underlying substance use or mental health disorders may be driving patients’ behavior, which always serves to decrease the stigmatization of mental health and substance use issues and encourages a creative and patient-focused approach.

Danielle also inspires her team to try new behavior plans, supporting anything that might decrease caregiver burnout or fatigue and improve the experiences for patients and visitors.

Perhaps the most significant of Danielle’s contributions over the years is that she can be single-handedly credited with the creation of the highly successful Behavioral Emergency Support Team (BEST) Alert in our hospital. In 2018, Danielle attended a Magnet conference where she learned about a novel, proactive response to workplace violence in healthcare. When she returned to work the next day, she brought that seedling of an idea into full bloom. She enlisted the help of our Performance Improvement and Behavioral Health Departments to create a multi-disciplinary team that eventually birthed the BEST Alert. As you may know, the BEST Alert is a program which encourages and supports bedside caregivers when they encounter patients and visitors with difficult or abusive behaviors. The project includes not only an overhead behavioral emergency code but also multidisciplinary huddles, behavioral expectations agreements, an administrative discharge policy, binders on each unit with behavioral and workplace violence prevention resources, as well as the addition of 2.4 FTE for the Behavioral Health Department to specifically support the project. The BEST Alert project has significantly impacted and improved the safety and lives of countless bedside caregivers and patients since its inception, with Danielle as the creator.

This is only one of a myriad of examples of Danielle’s dedication, innovation, and compassion. She has been a tremendous ally and advocate for patients struggling with mental health or substance use disorders over the years and has supported her team’s and the hospital’s efforts tirelessly through the years. She truly embodies all that the DAISY Award represents.


It is obvious to all that Danielle takes good care of her team and is a strong advocate for caregivers; she shows this by bringing up issues that need to be addressed and working to get things fixed.  As a fellow clinical manager, I have needed emotional support and advice from another leader numerous times, and Danielle is always quick to jump in.  Danielle has excellent listening skills and has a way of mentoring others that is not too directive but instead helps you to grow.  Danielle deserves the DAISY Lifetime Achievement Award and has been a huge part of the positive, caring culture that we have here at SJH.  


I've had the privilege to know and work with Danielle for 18 years. She has been a peer, mentor, coach, cheerleader, friend, and family over these years.

Danielle has excellent interpersonal skills, which are a must in today's society and in nursing. She's friendly and approachable to patients, families, providers, and co-workers.

She is compassionate and respectful with all patients, especially with the elderly, unhoused and patients with mental health issues. She lights up when she talks about them. She is a patient Advocate and a staff advocate and Safety is always at the center of every decision.

She comes to work and gives everything she has from the time she arrives until she leaves the hospital. She has high expectations for others and has 200% accountability for herself.

Over the years, Danielle has implemented numerous initiatives, education plans, and innovations. One of Danielle's most recent and impactful initiatives has been the rollout of the Behavioral Emergency Support Team (BEST). She also advocated and made a business plan that included hiring Behavioral health clinicians to support our bedside caregivers and ancillary teams. This has been such a success at our hospital that we are now expanding it to our regional hospitals.

One of St. Joseph Hospital's core values is Good Humor. Danielle is all about this. She works hard and tries to have fun doing it.

She has set SJH, her team, and her co-workers up for continued success when she retires. She has taught us well, and now she can confidently hand over the baton.
You deserve to spend quality time with your family, not miss any Colorado sports games, and go on many Disney vacations.

Love you!! 

In closing, I want to thank Danielle for making me a better leader and reminding me daily that laughter is the best medicine. Danielle’s legacy will continue to inspire and uplift us all for generations to come.