Vicky Davis
April 2024
Centerpoint Ambulatory Surgery Center
HCA Ambulatory Surgery Division
United States




Vicky was an angel in reassuring me that she took me seriously and that she would do everything in her power to make it as easy and comfortable for me as possible.
I was very unsure going into my procedure. I let Vicky know ahead of time while we were getting my basic health notes down that I'm deathly afraid of needles. I have panic attacks almost every time I have to get a shot or any kind of IV. Vicky was an angel in reassuring me that she took me seriously and that she would do everything in her power to make it as easy and comfortable for me as possible. I got upset and started to cry just thinking about it and then she did something I've never had anyone do before. She told me about one of her biggest fears, her greatest phobia, which I will not disclose because it's not my place, but I felt all at once a kinship with her through her compassion to share that with me. She continuously asked me how I was doing, what I needed, and that she was very proud of me once the IV was all over and put in. Vicky took my fears seriously and provided the best care I could've asked for. She truly was a blessing to me. I had never done an endoscope/colonoscopy before, but she made sure I was comfortable and knew everything that would happen before going in. She constantly checked in with me and made sure my IV was hidden from my view for my comfort. I will never forget Vicky. I had asked if she could remove the IV when I came back from the procedure while I was still slightly under anesthesia so it would be easier for me mentally and she assured me she would ask the recovery nurse. She was able to do so with permission and I don't even remember it being removed. I want to thank her from the bottom of my heart. It is such an important thing to have so much compassion and understanding in any walk of life, especially in the medical field. Vicky went above and beyond for my comfort, to what could have been brushed off as nothing (which I have had people do many times before) she took me completely seriously and was compassionate.