Christina Stranaghan
May 2024
Vineland Medical Day Care
Medical Day Care
United States




Christina has calmed so many worries and has been extremely supportive.
X started MDC in September 2022. After trying home therapy and home nursing, we realized that having different caretakers in our home wasn’t a good fit for us, but we were unsure how we felt about being away from him. X was born with a complicated medical condition. Spending countless days in and out of CHOP caused X to be fed up with the docs and nurses until he found the love of his life…… Nurse Christina. X seemed exhausted with the idea of doctors and nurses after multiple procedures and hospital visits, but would always have joy in seeing Christina. Christina was very thorough in how she cared for X. She is very skilled and very informative. Christina has calmed so many worries and has been extremely supportive. If he misses MDC she calls daily to check on him and when he hears her on the phone or sees her pull up in the van, it brightens his day. Dad and I both have accepted that X will leave us at the drop of a dime to be in Christina’s presence and it feels safe to say we feel that she loves him just the same. We thank her for all the extra love and dedication she shows our baby boy, and if no one else deserves the DAISY Award, Christina sure does!