May 2024
Washington State University - College of Nursing
United States




She always comes up with fun ways to teach us information and consistently encourages us to express our curiosity and ask questions.
Erin has been the most amazing clinical instructor! Her passion for educating students is incredibly encouraging, and she constantly demonstrated her extensive knowledge of MedSurg care. She is very supportive and always makes sure to check in with us after we go through a hardship on the floor. When I participated in a Code Blue, Erin was there the whole time to offer me support and even debriefed me afterward to make sure I was mentally doing okay. She always comes up with fun ways to teach us information and consistently encourages us to express our curiosity and ask questions. Erin makes sure to correct our errors in a kind manner so that we do not feel bad about ourselves. Her uplifting and positive personality made me enjoy MedSurg clinical so much that I wish I could have another semester with her. She also does her best to advocate for us students to complete skills on the floor or be able to do things (within our scope) that we have an interest in. Erin is the type of nurse that I strive to be when I graduate, and she has helped me develop many great habits that I will use in the future. I cannot say enough wonderful things about her!