Keri Johnson
May 2024
Home Infusions
Pentec Health
United States




Keri helped me to gain control of my anxiety over medical. She gave me my confidence back to be an advocate for myself.
Unfortunately, my chronic pain journey began when I was 16. With a spinal fusion and too many to count corrective surgeries and procedures, my anxiety with health-related issues and pain skyrocketed. My husband and I were told early on that carrying a child would be too hard on my back. Fortunately, we were able to adopt 3 beautiful little girls from the foster care system.

Being a mom is hard enough without being a chronic pain patient. We were able to get connected with a physician who listened to our concerns and charted a plan with a pain pump. This part of my journey began 7 years ago. This is where my relationship with Keri began. I was assigned to her as my home health nurse to refill my pump at home. Keri came in knowing my history and my anxiety. Our very first visit was spent just chatting and growing our relationship. My first refill was quite the event. My anxiety got the best of me and led to me almost passing out and my blood pressure going super high. Keri and I worked on a plan to keep me calm during visits. I can now proudly say that during refills, she just keeps me talking, and we have no issues (insert happy dance).

Keri helped me to gain control of my anxiety over medical. She gave me my confidence back to be an advocate for myself. My refill appointments have gone from “no thank you” to “I got this”. But Keri goes above in knowing my family, our work, and everything about who I am. We consider her a family member. Even my girls love talking to her! She has watched them grow and stay connected through the adoption process. And she answers all our crazy questions! Keri goes above and beyond to make me feel like her only patient. We trust her judgment and guidance.

Luckily, we have only had one emergency-type situation. I had an excruciating muscle spasm attack in my back and legs. We are 2.5 hours from my pain doctor. My husband immediately called Keri. Keri was able to keep him calm and tell him what to do to help me while she contacted my doctor. Keri then kept checking on me every few hours over the next couple of days.

Next story: I recently had my pump replaced. Although Keri was not able to be with me, I knew she was a text/call away. And thank goodness! Everything she taught me about staying relaxed went out of my brain walking past the OR line. The nurse ended up getting flustered with my uneasiness and missed my vein for the IV. Of course, I went into a panic. I was able to call and talk to Keri, and she got me through it! She then continued to text me positive texts to keep me going. My family cannot thank Keri enough. My girls get a momma that can play with them and is happy. She empowers me to take back my life from pain.