May 2024
Mary L
Labor and Delivery Mini Clinic
RMC Health System
United States




I can never say thank you enough to my nurse, Mary, for everything she did for me that day.
This DAISY award has been long overdue, but I have finally found the strength to sit and talk about my story. I came to L&D after battling covid for 2.5 weeks due to a decrease in fetal movement. My nurse came down to get me from the ER and chatted with me the whole way to the unit and automatically I felt in good hands. She got me into the room and started chatting with me about my concerns while getting me on the monitor and checking on my baby. While in my heart, I knew something was wrong, my nurse stayed at my side and was honest with me about everything. She left my side only one time, and that was to have someone call the on-call doctor and bring me some snacks to try to get my baby to look better on her monitor. From that point on, she was at my bedside, in full PPE gear due to a pending covid swab and having been positive still two days before.

At this point, everything moved fast. No family was allowed with me, and she told me to call my husband so calmly, but being a nurse myself, I knew what this meant. She guided me to a different room and put me on the monitor where a doctor came in and told me it was time for an emergency C-section. She guided me, or more like, ran me down the hallway to the OR table, where she talked me through things calmly. Everyone on the unit was moving so fast, no one checked up or stopped for a single second. Due to my nurse and her co-workers, my baby got out so quickly, but unfortunately had a rough start and a prolonged NICU stay. She is a healthy eight month baby girl now. Without these nurses in labor and delivery, the physicians, the nursery, respiratory therapy, our outcome would have been much different. This entire Women and Children's unit came together to focus on me and my baby, even after she was gone to the NICU. They took such good care of me in my most difficult time, they checked on her, and they FaceTimed with her.

I can never say thank you enough to my nurse, Mary, for everything she did for me that day. She deserves this award so much for the way she cared for me, as a nurse, I know how it can be to set everything aside and focus on one situation. I felt like I was the only patient in the hospital under her care that day. She has reached out to me several times since then as well. No one should have to go through what I did, especially alone. Mary was a blessing placed where God meant for her to be that day. I will be forever grateful.