May 2024
Washington State University College of Nursing
United States




Brian approaches every person and patient with compassion and empathy.
Brian was in my N424 theory course and was an excellent student throughout his S2 semester. He was incredibly engaged the entire 12 weeks and worked hard on each of his assignments. I found his academic integrity to be very high overall and was impressed when he'd stay after to answer questions he had about the material, which he did most days. He received an A- in the course and was a leader with his peers by staying on task and teamwork during in-class activities. He often would answer questions posed to the class using the speaker and again, had incredible focus. I really valued his growth mindset in the 12 weeks I worked with him. I believe Brian is an excellent choice for this award, as so many of his peers have looked up to him and his immense hard work he has placed on his nursing career. 

I do not have a specific story to tell, but both my peers and I would say that Brian approaches every person and patient with compassion and empathy. Those strengths really allow him to create a genuine connection with his patients. Brian also advocates for others. In his community health clinical at SRHD, he advocated for clients to make sure they had the resources they needed. Overall, Brian has a kind and accepting personality that makes those around him feel comfortable and heard. I know he will continue to advocate and provide that same level of compassionate care to his future patients and their families. 

Brian is not only an outstanding and dedicated student, but he also brings people together. In nursing school, he has shown endless kindness to all peers, making everyone feel included and appreciated. I am so lucky to have met him in nursing school, and I wouldn't have been able to get through it all without him. Brian is an amazing peer and an incredible friend to all. No one deserves this award more than him.