Brianna Holland
May 2024
Med Surg
Northwest Medical Center - Houghton
United States




She used strong critical nursing thinking and acted quickly to alert the prescribing physician and the pharmacy.
Brianna is an exceptional nurse. She goes above and beyond for her patients. She stayed with a discharged patient who was waiting for a taxi. The taxi never arrived, and Brianna made sure to stay with this patient. She helped the patient upload the Uber app so he could get home. Brianna also precepts new nurses and really does a great job.

Brianna has shown excellence in care, and her patients report her quality of care during leadership rounding. She has also demonstrated fantastic safety catches. One, for example, was a STAT-ordered medication ordered on the wrong patient. She used strong critical nursing thinking and acted quickly to alert the prescribing physician and the pharmacy. She also goes above and beyond in orienting newly hired employees on the unit, who report her exemplary tutelage.